Some... Some... Summertime! CELEBRATE THE 4TH
It's about time! I've been waiting for summer since... well... Last Summer! I get to work a little less even though there's plenty of gigs coming up. I get to spend some time with the offsprings and their offsprings - family time. It won't be long until the dog days of summer give way to the great Fall weather, but meanwhile I'm all excited about gardens, flowers, swimming, stuff like that.
Our [b:1ysvmigc]Semi-Summer Annual Church Revival[/b:1ysvmigc] at the old church (where we filmed Alice's Restaurant) marks the true beginning of the season. We will celebrate the [b:1ysvmigc]"Fourth of July"[/b:1ysvmigc] weekend as we often do with our 3 day concert (a fund raiser for the [b:1ysvmigc]Guthrie Center & Foundation[/b:1ysvmigc]). As always, members and supporters of the Center get advance notice for tix to the event. That has happened and as of now the shows on July 3, 4 & 5, are open to the general public. Call the church for your tix if you haven't already [b:1ysvmigc]413.528.1955[/b:1ysvmigc] - Come On Down (or for most folks - up).
I hope it'll be a great Summer for everyone - Take it easy... adg