Solo Trek Notes
It's been about two weeks since we got back from Germany and we've been following the heat wave across the midwest - sorta just hanging out in the middle of it as best as possible. Finally it seems to be diminishing somewhat as we get some work done in Lexington, KY
I returned from Europe and immediately went to Madison, WI to do a fund-raiser for all the union guys at one of our favorite little theaters - The Barrymore. We walked around the streets the following days and sand a few songs with the crowds gathered at the capitol building, before heading up to Bayfield, WI for a gig at Big Top Chautauqua - always a pleasure to be there. But the heat was unreal until evening when a thunder storm rolled though just in time to cool off the tent.
At some point I realized the heat wave was following me around - I was taking it personally. So we went to Minneapolis at played the Guthrie Theater. Beautiful new theater…
Then we followed the heat as it crawled eastward to Indianapolis, IN where we played outdoors at Conner Prairie with the Indianapolis Symphony and the boys in "Time For Three." They were a lot of fun to share a gig as well as share the bugs that were flying around the stage. The bugs we fairly squishy and tasted great - not a meal but more of a snack. We did two nights there. There were far fewer bugs the second day - which goes to show you how much we ate the first night.
One more gig coming up in Cleveland's Cain Park - before heading home to the farm where I get to chill for a while and enjoy the mountains of Berkshire County. Meanwhile, I'm here in Lexington working on new material with my friend and musical director, John Nardolillo and my partner in musical crime (arranger of our orchestra music), Jamie Burton (who just flew in from London)
It's still hot, but it's getting tolerable… I need a pool and a few rainy days. But, I'm sending my rain thoughts to Texas & Oklahoma where they need it more than I do. Hopefully someone is listening….