Thanksgiving Again ... 2015
Hello ArloNet family and friends.
It's nice to get back here every once in a while - On the forums - I am usually on here everyday but over on the schedule section, adjusting, updating, etc. but I don't always get a chance to hang out out much. There's a few of you for whom arlonet has become home, and I usually check in to see what's on your minds when I can.
Having said that, it's also pretty obvious that these kinds of websites are existing as a bridge between the days when websites were new, and these days when very few people don't also use the larger public facilities like FB and the other newer creations. This one has certainly held it's own over the years, being informative and up-to-date with the things that are of interest - Usually decided by you, our members and friends.
We are currently in the preprocess of merging arlonet into a larger arena - For years the dot com name was unavailable because some jerk in Canada bought the name and wanted to sell it to us for a small fortune. But, we waited him out and now we own our own name.
We are likewise doing the same kind of merging with Rising Son Records. It'll all be under one roof as it were. And we are expanding the capabilities to include new features that didn't even exist when our buddy, Dave Downin began creating this site. Soon you'll be able to catch live performances, watch old videos and do all kinds of stuff we couldn't do before now. And we're going to try to keep as much of the history from our forums and other features from arlonet as possible, including the resurrection of Hang Moose
So hang in there with us while we make some transitions - They never go as smoothly as anyone imagines. Meanwhile, there's nothing you need to do for the moment... Just keep enjoying things.... Much Love As Always, adg